Invisible No More

Our purpose: Raising awareness about the way the autoimmune and immunocompromised are treated in the workplace, school, and doctor’s office.

Giving a voice to a community that has lived in silence for too long.

Introducing Invisible No More, a groundbreaking documentary by the Autoimmune Alliance, shining a spotlight on the lives of individuals living with autoimmune diseases or related chronic illnesses.

While these conditions often go unnoticed due to their invisible nature, our film aims to bring their struggles to the forefront, raising awareness and breaking down the stigma surrounding autoimmune diseases and other chronic illnesses.

With over 20 hours of footage already captured, Invisible No More delves into the personal journeys of these individuals, highlighting the challenges they face on a daily basis. From battling misconceptions to navigating healthcare systems, and pleading with uncaring bosses, their stories are eye-opening.

We're on the lookout for patients willing to share their experiences, shedding light on the severity of autoimmune illnesses and the mistreatment or stigma they may encounter. Our flexible schedule allows for interviews at any time during weekdays, and for those unable to meet in person, remote interviews via Zoom are also an option.

Join us in making a difference by participating in Invisible No More. Your voice has the power to spark change and pave the way for greater understanding and support for those living with chronic illnesses. The documentary will be available on YouTube, Facebook, and other streaming platforms, reaching audiences far and wide. Together, let's make invisible illnesses visible and ensure that no one feels unseen or unheard.

Have a story to tell? Contact us to be a part of this project