Welcome to the Autoimmune Alliance

Our Mission:

Ensuring no child is forced to drop out of school from an illness they can’t control.

The Autoimmune Student Association: Our Campus Program

AutoAware: Our K-12 Awareness Program

Invisible No More: Our Documentary

AutoAware’s mission is to raise awareness about and protect children with autoimmune diseases. Our goals include reducing bullying and stigma against these children, who are often misunderstood as a result of their invisible disability. Click below to learn more about this program and what you can do to make sure every child is given the education they deserve.

AutoAware: Raising awareness and changing standards.

Autoimmune Student Alliance: College students deserve to feel safe, regardless of their diagnosis.

The Autoimmune Student Association are a group of youth activists across America that fight to make sure that all colleges and universities in the United States:

  • Have a robust remote learning process in place that can serve the needs of students who medically cannot be on campus.

  • Abide by better health and safety standards to minimize the number of immunocompromised students prevent getting sick — or an autoimmune student suffering an unnecessary flare up.

Learn how you can help these goals become reality by clicking the link below and learning how you can make a difference.

Invisible No More is a documentary we are filming about the struggles of the autoimmune and immunocompromised communities, as well as other people suffering from related chronic illnesses. We are still looking for more medical experts, legal advocates, and chronically ill patients to share their stories about the perils this community faces on a daily basis. Click below to learn how you can get involved in raise awareness about this life-threatening issue.

Invisible No More: Shining a light on the overlooked struggles of the chronically ill.

No student should drop out of school because of their illness.

Every day, the Autoimmune Alliance provides education, support groups, and other services to some of America’s most vulnerable citizens. We strive to create a world where no one is forced to choose between their health and their education. All of this comes at a cost, and your support is essential to making sure we can continue to help both K-12 and college students thrive despite their illnesses. Everyone deserves an equal chance at a bright future, and the Autoimmune Alliance is at the forefront of making that a reality for the millions of children suffering from these conditions.